Until Further Notice:

Rockland Green will not be accepting out of State or out of County MSW, C&D or Recyclables. 

Out of County municipalities with an Intermunicipal Agreement will be allowed entry.

Clarkstown Yard Waste Facility

Grass, leaves and brush are collected throughout the county and then composted, mulched and marketed. A portion of the compost and mulch is available to the municipalities for use in public works projects and distribution to their residents.


Clarkstown Scalehouse:
Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday: 7:00am to 12pm

Solid Waste Facility Office:
Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 4pm

Clarkstown Mulch Facility & Compost Site:
Monday - Friday 7:00 - 3:30pm
Saturday: 7:00am - 12:00pm


$70.00 per ton

$57.00 per ton

$51.00 per ton

$150.00 per ton (smaller than 36" x 36")

Mixed yard waste will be charged at $105.00 per ton 

** Municipal Hauler and Landscapers 'no fee dates' are October 28, 2024 thru December 20, 2024.**

Residential Yard Waste Drop-Off

Residential drop-off at the Clarkstown Yard Waste Facility — located at 166 S. Rt 303 — is open to all Rockland County residents in non-commercial vehicles only.

Acceptable Yard Waste is brush, grass, and leaves. All waste needs to be separated and dumped in the designated container. NO PLASTIC BAGS ALLOWED.

Drop off hours are:

Monday - Friday: 7:00am - 3:30pm

Saturdays: Dec. 1st through March 31st 7:00am - 12:00pm

Saturdays: April 1st through November 30th 7:00am - 2:30pm

Sundays: Closed

Leaf Composting Program:

You Get What you give! A proportionate share of compost and mulch are given back to Municipalities to distribute FREE to residents!

Contact your Municipality for the pick up location in your town or village.


Inside the Yard Waste & Composting Facilities


166 S Route 303 West Nyack, NY 10994