Until Further Notice:

Rockland Green will not be accepting out of State or out of County MSW, C&D or Recyclables. 

Out of County municipalities with an Intermunicipal Agreement will be allowed entry.

Rockland Green Charges


Area Benefit Charge

This charge is for capital or debt service costs for the Authority's solid waste facilities, i.e., the sludge cocomposting facility, the materials recovery facility, the yardwaste composting facility, transfer station, and for general administration costs.

The Area Benefit Charge is assessed on all properties in the County on an ad valorem basis.

Green Waste Unit Charge - Per Parcel (PP)

This unit charge is for the operations and maintenance costs for the yardwaste composting program for composting all the leaves, grass, and brush collected in the County.

The Green Waste Unit Charge is imposed on a per parcel of real property unit basis.

Household Hazardous Waste Unit Charge - Per Unit (PU)

This unit charge is for the operation and maintenance costs for the household hazardous waste collection facility, which receives and processes household chemicals and electronics from all the residential properties in the County and from conditionally exempt small quantity generators (CESQG's).

The Household Hazardous Waste Unit Charge is imposed on a per dwelling unit basis.

Transfer Station Facility Unit Charge - Per Unit (PU)

This unit charge is for the operation and maintenance costs for the transfer stations, which are available to receive municipal and commercial solid waste from all the properties in the County.

The Transfer Station Facility Unit Charge is imposed on a per dwelling unit basis.


Materials Recovery Facility Unit Charge - Per Unit (PU)

This unit charge is for the operation and maintenance costs for the materials recovery facility which processes all of the commingled containers and commingled paper collected from the residential properties throughout the County as well as materials received from commercial and institutional facilities.

The Materials Recovery Facility Unit Charge is imposed on a per dwelling unit basis.

Sludge Cocomposting Unit Charge - Per Unit (PU); Water Usage (WU)

This unit charge is for the operation and maintenance costs for the cocomposting facility, which composts municipal sewage sludge collected from the wastewater treatment plants in the County with clean wood waste.

The Cocomposting Unit Charge is imposed on a per dwelling unit basis with additional units charged to non­residential properties based on actual water usage divided by the average water consumption per dwelling unit.

Animal Management Charge 

Rockland Green sets an annual animal management charge for the use or availability of Rockland Green’s animal management facilities and services.

Animal management facility shall mean any facility, plant, works, system, building, structure, improvement, machinery, equipment, fixture or other real or personal property which is to be used, occupied, or employed in providing animal management services.

Animal management services shall mean any and all services provided to promote animal care and to protect public health and safety, including those in connection with the processing and disposal of animal waste; the disposal of dead wildlife removed from roadways following wildlife-vehicle collisions; the sheltering of stray, lost, abandoned or surrendered animals; providing animal control; and any other similar services related thereto.