About Us
Our mission is to develop the education, programs, and technology to lead the waste prevention, recovery, responsible disposal movement, and animal management services in Rockland County.
Year Established
Tons of recyclables redirected by Rockland Residents in the past year from going to the landfill as garbage.
529,507 lbs
Accepted and processed e-waste this past year.
Management Staff
Gerard M. Damiani Jr.
Executive Director -
Jeremy Goldstein
Director of Finance -
Dee Louis
Engineer II -
Ronnie Ludwig
Assistant Solid Waste Operations Manager -
Ken Murphy
General Counsel -
Guy Festa
Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator -
Suzanne Haggerty
Confidential Secretary -
Yisroel Eisenbach
Director Constituent Services -
Jeremy Apotheker
Coordinator, Special Projects